The original series started at FOX, where it aired for four seasons from 1994 to 1999, and Wolf pitched the revival to ABC in 2019. If New York Undercover does end up moving there, that would make the third network that the show has been through. Watch One Chicago on fuboTV: Watch over 67 live sports and entertainment channels with a 7-day FREE trial! Wolf is already developing Law & Order: Hate Crimes on the streaming service, and his SVU spinoff Law & Order: Organized Crime was intended for Peacock before NBC pulled it onto their airwaves to help bolster their fall schedule.
Law and Order SVU season 23 is not coming to NBC in August 2021.Law and Order: Organized Crime season 2 to bring back iconic SVU star.FBI season 4 is not coming to CBS in August 2021.FBI: Most Wanted loses another series regular as SPOILER exits series after two seasons.